Beautiful Life

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Friday, September 29, 2006

That second , really on fire. Next Second, felt being insulted.
The coming seconds, thinking the defination of Open Diary, wondering why she have that feeling, wondering I should do or say something for myself.
Then get back to work.
Actually, is it my business ? Anyway, please say 唔好意思 to her.

Last night, have a drink in O2 after dinner. Nice place.
Then 陪人食糖水

Memorable sms :

''So do I..
'' I got your idea, something is here, just let it go become comfortable....


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

so..Today is my last day in lands Department. (probably i need to back I not yet Burn a CD for my fileS!!!)

Recalled what written here 2 years before..on 26.9.2004

''I will regard my chance in working in LANDSD. as one of my milestone. I will grasp every opportunity to explore.....2 years later? LETs see, but I can ensure that the coming 2 years must be the most fruitful year to me.''

I was so small (but sometime naive) so energetic, full of hope...2 years before.

2 years later, I cant say I am well-trained, but at least should have learn little more then others non-ESG of the same class (though not very much familer>_<). And whats more, I really found I am very careless (I know that, so no need to remind again!!!). I swear I will get rid of it.

These 2 years, full of joy and sometime breakdowns (esp during the period when got brokeup and being blamed by Xenia, my former supervisor, whom should be the most demanding and agressive ES in Lands Deparment. The power of her words is soooooooo #$@E$@E$ I am sure my EQ enahanced alot now after her supervision.)

I still regard these 2 yrs really the most fruitful year in my life up to this moment. And thanks God to give me such opportunites to meet some very nice guz and ladies here, esp PAPA.

15 days later would be the written Exam. I really wish all of us pass and get chartered to be a GP surveyor.

Took part in the Wedding Dinner of Heiwah at night, my precious MFS schoolmate. So touching when Andy (her husband) sang a song with the quitar ''有了你開心的,咩都稱心滿意'..lalala..lalalalala...'~ infront of the crowd. I am sure I will cry badly if I am her....

Wish her and Andy ( her husband) very best in Australia in the future.
And at the same time...I think, is this really decided by God....?

Monday, September 25, 2006

終於做完my final submission.
I should have done that long ago...yet....always overhead.
I wish to have more time.

Tomorrow, as usual, is a day- off...but I choose to back office. Maybe 10 or 11am
For packing and backup.

今晚作了點無聊的猜測, 希望唔好比我估中.

Friday, September 22, 2006

連日趕工,好唔夠訓 ,4 日day off 都要番工
星期2is my last day in landsd, 好好 enjoy 吧.

Many thanks to Keni and Lun's support.
Chatting with u2 guz really feel confortable.
Especially to stand by me when I am still doing my valuation til late night.

Also...many thx to papa in landsd (though he may not see here)
Thx for the GREAT DINNER and the Earrings .I swear I will Tresure them very much and work my very hard to achieve in the APC...

19 days to go ... not yet prepared well due to the last 2 case ...little nervous. Have sign to forget what I've study in Mock.shit..

Gotta Get Back~

I always need your support. Please support me.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Watched 夜宴 this morning in Langham place, I think it is a Good film though there is no message inside. Is an Art. Film under Fung Siu Kong is always great.

Finally confirmed to go to Tainan on 13/10 after hanging around in the Travel Agents for more than 4 hours in Mong Kok. Hope that it is a great trip, however I think we can only have time to plan where we are going on 12/10, after the APC.

Super Busy to KO all the case by Friday, hopefully by first my deadline is Tuesday!!! shit.

yet...everytime I back is for clearing the Case in office.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just heard the conversation between papa and 姑姐..about Grandma
Seems Grandma's body is going worst and worst due to her breast Cancer.
And due to her poor eyesight plus refusual to wear any glasses, she fell and got hurt in the toliet last night . 姑姐, whom all along living with her, say maybe cant look after her, expecially after my cousin leave for study aboard in October...
and discuss with papa whether to send her to elderly's care home nearby.

If I am grandma, I will surely feel sad if being sent to Elderly's care home.
mm...very much worry....

And about my Career,
Start figure out that I really dun wanna work in Government.
Like what Lk said, you are still young, why dun u go outside to have a try....
I do agree that if keep working in Government would make by brain stucks.
I will going back to Government only when I am tired with the outside.
Maybe 2-3 years later...when I am 26-27.
Stick to my target before 30.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

昨日作了一個決定----就是reject RVD 's AV 個application., 所以今早唔洗去interview.
其實好矛盾,這工人工高,福利好,仲有機會(雖然細)變長工,a very stable government job. But since the duty is soooooooo boring , and the interview is very harsh, together with the contract recently signed with Lanbase, I finallly choose not to prepare, even I could.


呆了三天,看看現在的時間 and 剩餘的日子,要好好準備了 .com'on.~

Monday, September 11, 2006
如果accountant 係咁..真係唔做好過.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

近日同一個認識了好耐(其實唔可以話識,只係知道佢存在,當然佢都係)的一個Old Ghost 傾多了
知多了以前Team 的,佢個人的東西 , 生活等

Watch 'Click' last night before having a drink.
A very nice movie which is recommended.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Last night 可能係Lands最後一堂Jimmy Woo.
Really Very nice. He again spared his whole precious afternoon with us to answer our question.Even the ES (my boss's grade) never have this chanse.
佢真係好好人,好想可以同佢影一張相.hope以後可以請佢食番餐.更加不能令佢失望.大家都要一起Pass APC.

Either Tainan, Badli Island or 番大陸行山 

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Wide camp at East Ping Chau last night.
Nearly havnt sleep due to the super hot weather and the Mosquitos~!!!

The world would be so much prettier if someone could give me a hand and lend me his shoulder when I am extremely now.
