Beautiful Life

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Vrey happy tonight~!!!
All of you are here to celebrate with me.
This is the very first time!!
Really happy. Never forget!

mmm..Don't put me to temptation....keke

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Share with Fish my current situation as well as my feeling these days.
Like last time. A very critical mind.
The last message is the conclusion.
The answer is out there. No need to bother anymore. Leave it before it hurts. Like at the begining, shouldn't expect anything.
Don't wanna give up? then should follow the rules of the game.
Yet, the cost for me to play is too largr for me to continue, as such, no need to bother anymore....

Concentrate now..

To myself :
The answer is out there.
No need to bother anymore.
Leave it before it hurts.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Thursday, November 23, 2006

個report 改完再改,改完再改,令人吃不消
今早去完NPGO交完比Esther, 再去Acqui 比 Jeremy
再番Wanchai DLO/HKW 比 2個ES
回TST office 用 10mins 食 Lunch

再去 YMT DLO/KW 比Xenia

再番office ,終於可以hea 下寫下Blog.

但 . 好 . 眼 . 訓

The more I do, the more I don't how to do.
我都好想keep 住興奮的去做個report
GOd...please give me some more time~ 

Next Week 29/11
4:05 pm. NPGO Room 2118. Mock Oral.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Monday, November 20, 2006

Dear all,

Congratulations again! For the preparation of the impending OralAssessment, please come to Room 2119 tomorrow (Tuesday 21.11.2006) at9:30am for a general discussion (please bring along your draft FinalReports where necessary).

The Mock Oral Interview will be on 29.11.2006 (Wednesday) also at Room2119. Please let me have the finalized Report (3 coloured copies) by noonon this Thursday (23.11.2006) for distribution to the Assessors.

Please revert asap if you have problems to the above.

Esther Ko

One more hurdle to go!!!! gogogogogogogoooogo~~!!!!
damn it .. 無時間!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Yesterday morning

Esmond called : 喂,我知道APC result 了.我passed 了,你知道未? Should receive letter today!!
我:Just Leave home. Don't wanna know the result now. I afraid no mood to celebrating birthay tonight. Plus, no mood to run tomorrow.....
Esmond : I trust u can passed la.......See u tonight.

At night, RE gethering. Celebrating those 11 birthday's people. Of course including me.
Know 3 of the lands ESG failed already. Shocked. As I assumed one of them is better then me. Start Worry.
Yet, I have to wait til this morning's NIKE 10K.

Don't wanna affect the mood to run. As my target is 50'' this year or at least faster then last year 52'' 08''.

This morning.

5:30 wake up.
6:15 Take MTR to Mei Foo
7: 15 Arrive TSW West Rail.
8:00 Start Run NIKE 10K. is target.... but the net time is slower then last year.=P
Back to CRA to hea after the run. Still dun want to face the truth. Until 30 mins before. I open the letter start with..

'' I am pleased to inform you that you have passed the Written Assessment of the Final Assessment, Autumn 2006 in the General Practise Division, Assessment of Profeessional Competence.


You can proceed to attend the Oral Assessment scheduled betweem 11.12.2006 to 14.12.2006 at the HKIS...

Please note that you are required to submit ..., and a final resport.. no later than 5:30 Tuesday, 28.11.2006. ''
HURRAY~~~~~!! But I think I just passed by luck. Really depends very much on whether the marker is Killer or not.

Now, is time to edit the report again and prepare for the Oral Exam.

Deadline : 28.11.2006 !!!!! Time is running out.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Email from Vionnie :

Heard from supervisor that result has been posted today and will reach ur homein these 2 days.

All the best!


I can feel my heart beat.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Just get the comment from the Councellor and one supervisor.
The counceller suggest me to change the hypothetical development (!!!!)
I read. Seems she got some misunderstanding.

And from my former supervisor......


It appears that all APC reports of ESG has been standardized by LandsD. The wording and presentation appears on the same style and stereotyped. I have no specific comment on the report but note the followings :

(a) For Project 1, there appears no comparable adjustments presented in the report before they are adopted in the residual valuation.

(b)For Project 3, you would probably prepare to be asked on the issues of "hope value", "existing use" and some details about the Ordinances such as Cap 124, Cap 519, Cap 370.

(c)Other than the above, there are a lot of typos and grammatical mistakes. You have even wrongly typed my name !

(d)Don't use abbreviations unless properly defined.


Typo mistake again. shit....I always make typo mistake. careless..careless and careless......Really felt sorry even I wrote his namely wrongly. Felt shame on myself.

Acutually, I dun even read go through once myself after finish the draft. Why? Just. no heart to do that.....

Gotta spend much time to furthur edit now before further giving to any other supervisors.

Next monday will know the result. Nervous. Play hard.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

如無意外, 下星期就會知Written result.
如好運,28/11 要交Final report. 12 月 Oral Present.
唯有安慰自己. 要平常心吧..

工作busy 到要死.
始終細的company 會少d辦公室politics.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sat : 830 Tai Wai
930 Office
1400 Shek Mun Rowing Centre,Cox for Cooperate 4+
1830 Shui Wo Yuen for BBQ with rowing team
2200 Arrive Tsuen Wan to support Oxfam Trail Walker

Sun 0000 自己join in ,行埋一份,第9,10段  
   約0715 終於行完
0820 趕回Shek Mum Rowing Centre, Weight-In for Woman
0820 to 1500.....比賽做Cox
1500 終於可以正常坐下食野飲茶, 但一路食一路 '鍾'眼訓
   1700 終於回家

如是者連續46 hrs沒有訓 ,行通霄山以及在昨今兩天強烈的太陽下做cox, 哎到現在喉嚨痛...身體完全透支, 但對比起用了40 hrs 行完全100k 毅行者的他們,我的根本不算是什麼吧.
Wish my joining in the last 2 section could help. Anyway, I think I already sucessfully prevent 2 more 毅行者滾落山的意外, haha.


Monday, November 06, 2006

我終於做完份dissertation 似的APC report la!!!!!!
Total pages : just 74.
唔理 , 我要訓...

Saturday, November 04, 2006

大感冒+肚痛+親戚到+唔夠訓+趕Final Draft


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Back to GHS last Sunday. Recalled many scene, both in Secondary and primary.

Have a drink with the Rowing team Alumni at night, 都算盡興.
當晚接近無訓.第二晚星期日同ESG 食放題.

起身看過prison break 後再訓
昨晚累積訓了10 hours!! Very Satisfactory now~

但現在got a sore throat.. 覺身子無以前咁好.是大感冒的先兆.聲線都變了點.
