Beautiful Life

Monday, August 29, 2005

I can see myself on the newscut too! in the 4X. A very small one~

P.S Shing moon river really very ''Shitty'' yesterday~_~ is everyone alright? Hope you guz didn't drink much.~

中大痛失男子總冠軍 (東方日報)
I really proud of them.
3 months passed, the actual score I help contribute to the Overall is 13. And totally they help POly to score 21+ 13 = 34! You guz really did a great job! Unexpectedly good.

Is a bitter that finally we cant beat CU completely, its already the best race, a perfect race. At least, no regrets.

Friday, August 26, 2005


For something come unexpectedly, I will feel uncomfortable as that is not under my control .
To face someone request, I will seldom reject.

Maybe I need to learn how to reject, and stand straight to my own planning and feeling.

The date finally come. The U-champ. Wish them all the best. I start remember last yr while I am still the crew.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

牛 池 灣 住 宅 地 24.9 億 勾 出

(星島日報報道)「八折勾地 政策威力大見成效,繼上周西九龍兩幅地皮被勾出後,在不足一周內,另一幅位於牛池灣的大型住宅地,亦獲發展商成功以二十四億九千萬元勾出﹔每方呎樓面價逾三千二百元,甚為貼近同區現樓價,即「麵粉價」追近「麵包價」,反映發展商群起看好後市,對樓市具鼓舞作用。  地產界人士表示,短短一周內三幅市區靚地先後被勾出拍賣,「一是不賣,一賣就是三幅」,熱鬧情況是近年罕見。令到自去年十月後,十個月以來首度的土地拍賣,變得更受矚目。  而是次拍賣的三幅地皮,勾地底價亦不菲,即使以「底價」成交,亦令政府穩收六十二億四千萬元賣地收益。  是次被勾出的牛池灣地皮,面積逾十五萬五千方呎,可以地積比率五倍發展,總樓面面積逾七十七萬八千方呎,每方呎約為三千二百元,與鄰近的物業曉暉花園的造價非常貼近,麵粉價已貼近麵包價,同時亦反映發展商極看好後市,發展商極為願意以高價吸納地皮。

Sunday, August 21, 2005

1 Weeks to go, I will push them to the peak. NO one can tell the result. The best 2K is only what I want. No regrets.

Really unhappy these days...or these weeks.
I just raise my opinion and my feeling. That is what he enouraged in the relationship long time ago. I work it out accordingly. But now, seems this only bring bad effect.
I said I was being Shouted, not unreasonably but not necessary. I express my feelings. He said I am just like a judge, pin-pointing all the fault. Not knowing what to do, he only have grey feeling. YES. greyed....Is our conversation really only have complains? I remember at the begining I talk alot, but always response with a 'mm...........' but I already forgot whether I changed because of this.

I really hate the word 'Sorry' , specially with the ''law'' adding behind. There is needless to say if there is nothing to say. This situation happened on me before always, what you expected me to say at that moment?

Feeling much more better after a swim. Knowing more and more about a friend these days also. A cool friend. A good friend.

Thx God my sister finally came back from Londen after a 20 days trip.

Friday, August 12, 2005

從最初一月的筆試,然後是三月的體能,跟隨是first interview,到最後的extended interview.以為自己文武都不俗,想像生活可能得到改變,怎料同grade的人好多,比你好的人仲多!以為女士有jetso麼?唔好意思,extended interview女士偏多,可能到了這階段,男生反而有優勢. 

我的candidate number 係11876,新聞話會請600人(唔知係唔係officer grade), 真的唔知自己被請的幾會有幾高.但現在都好,比起如果final board interview 才failed ,到時我一定會痛不欲生.

現在都是把中心放回測量吧!next target : APC 2006.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Quite busy these days. Thinking ....

Time :
Nearly most of my summer time are spent in CRA since 2003. I have the same feeling in every summer:
Does it worth?
2003 : Crew, can't take course-related summer job. Teach Water, but give up 6-8 classes.
2004 : Crew, very fine, get a job already , but really harsh.
2005 : AC, no time, can't concentrate on job. Lacking behind now.
Wanna continue the Swimming Coach lisence, but..Long time no teach! shit. Long time no swim also.
If in terms of money, clearly it is not worth. But I do enjoy sometime!

Dinner with RE classmate last time, know that Esmond applied Master in HKU, Me and Ada immediately have the same feeling : We are still returning the Grant Loan for the Bsc!! Grey. No need to think of the chanse of study aboard also. As it will never happen. Master? ...dunno

Once lunch with bosses. Asking : Did you take other course in your part-time? I said, no. Money and Time again.

Wanna change, wanna explore. Will I receive letter this week? God bless.

P.S Happy birthday to My sis and bro.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I don't think he knows my situation. Because all his is now under his control. Did you remember last time when someone seems delegate authority for you to hold meeting for the whole team while asking others to do the same thing prior to your action? Can you think of how insulting it is ? Maybe you have forgotten. Or ..put in it other way, if someone reform your crews prior you permission, or change your schedule, what will you feel? but don't worry, he won't do that to you, for you still have value to him.

I think I will talk more if I feel you are patient to listen to me. But if I think no one is listening or no one care, I will shut up myself. I don't think I will blame if he is just a ''friend'' to me. If you are not, I will expect you at least aware I am happy or unhappy at the moment ( or any moment when we can see each other). Is this a too high expectation? Tell me if i am. Well, I start confuse...which value is higher, friend or boyfriend.

And be honest, 同情 is not a suitable word in this case. I am not seeking any 同情. It is not a matter of who coach this and that, is the matter of the basic, respect. If I really think my respect is being disrupted here, I will leave gradually. Sometime respect may have value equilvalent to life or death. And everyone's marginal line is different.