Beautiful Life

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Earthquake yesterday? Really can't feel any.

Back to what I did in the last few days.....

Actually got a chance to go to the Buffet Dinner,meet meet more guys during that 'Matching Dinner' on the 23rd night. Hestitate again and again while taking the ferry to the Lantau.Yet, I choose not to return.

Spent a lovely BBQ night in NAM SHAN with 2 native Lantau families and chin as well as his girlfriend. The dinner is so great. We have Bo - Chai Rice , BBQ Chicken, fired fish etc as dinner. That is the first time to have RICE in BBQ. Walk around on the next morning. Everywhere is so marvelous. I swear that piece of grassland is no different from that in Aus or other countries. Looking back to the city, everything here is so natural, fresh and quiet. Seems that is the only place I can breath.

Thats me. Sometime really feel tired in the urban. Always need to find somewhere to refresh from time to time.

Watching 007 in the afternoon on the 24th.Same as last 2 years, went the church on the 24th 12am,the silent night. Another moment to clear up my mind. Then have a drink with friends in Lan Kwai Fong til late.

BBQ with REs on the next day, the Christmas Day. Buring my throat.

On 26th, finally have a chanse to date Mr. Cheung. Got a shocking present !!! ( I really didnt expect to receive such thing as any present before) But as time goes by, I find thats really special. Start to appreciate that. Really happy to have you appear in my life.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Finally received confirm letter.
Confirm Failed.
Nevermind. Its known already.
Chairman Report will be received by End-Dec.

Need to find another report for present.

Think more and more sepecially when I am alone.
Also thinking when is the time to change job. Should it be after June ? Wanna try another field before too late.

Got many things wanna do wanna try.
Gotta plan plan.

Haha ..Last but not the least. The Best Fish Party....Shocked when got this invitation....*0* akakkaka

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Calm Down a bit after gathering with Margaret and other REs.
As quoted from Margaret, the reason we failed is mainly due to the way we present for the question we dun know, not on the project. Simly say, we are not presentable and mature enough.

自問時間already 50/50 on project and general question.
2 years in lands can greatly enhanced the knowledge in land matters, but really no training on presentation. Sometime I really think whether my presentation ability worser than when I was in Poly.

Actually not presentation on the project.
But is the presentation when you face something you have never touch on it.
其實Assessor 可能明知你唔識,但想知你答得夠唔夠得體.可唔可以見大場面.
而個答案係,我仲未得.which I also admitted that, specially when compared those working in marketing and agency.
結論係,我唔識吹水,which is really important for a GP surveyor.

Really need to find more chanse to present in this 6 month.

Then the next question is.
'Could the current job train my presentation?'''

Thursday, December 14, 2006

昨天好像坐Roller Coaster 一樣
其實早便知道大致會有咩人會坐Board ,但推算到我會同 other 2 地政ESG : Kit (a very smart girl, HKU 1st hon) and Margaret (my classmate)同一個Board.
其實,有些少心知不妙,我第一感覺便是-我們在自傷殘殺,因好少Board會pass 3 個

11:00 KIT Called: 我個Board 好好,有鬼佬,有一個唔睇Project 的,得一個問野,好Easy going. 無咩特別問題,定d黎.
   Esmond Called : 我抄了,你不用擔心
That moment, 我都以為我個Board 好Easy going.
11:15 去到HKIS
11:45 知道自己咩Board, 是同Kit 同Margaret 同一個
12:00 Interview start
13:00 Interview ended.

我覺自己整個過程都不過不失,可能有些答得不是太好,但不致死.畢竟個Project都 Present 得順利,言語間一問一答,無比人問到口啞啞.Principal 都沒有錯.不過有個Adjustment table 無 prepare 到.比唔到佢睇. 

13:15 好興奮.同papa and Elcos 於WanChai 共進午餐. 同向所有朋友報平安
14:30 回到家,Margaret 致電:Carmen, 你唔好唔開心,我有d野同你講,我同你都唔....
          但隔離個Yu Kam Hung Board. Pass 晒3個.佢地3個我識2個,都是好好人的.Yu Kam Hung 都係好Easy Going 的人,但我們個Board 的.都是好mean 的人.個鬼都係...我覺我地死得好唔低.要再等6個月..

That moment, 我除了不停問你好肯定?便是安慰Margaret,說什麼無運行等.下年一起再黎過,但自己還未可以比什麼反應.但晚上諗諗下,真係好唔低.我真的唔相信自己Land matters 會差過一個Agent. 明知佢沒有準備,Submit 前一個星期先做report.準備APC 的時間唔夠我們的十份一,就是因為佢坐了好Board. 而且是第一個Interview 無比較,所以Pass...
相反,我同margaret 便因為錯了General Question. 一d其他Assessor 唔會肥人的Question, 而且比好強的Kit 比下去,所以要再比錢同6 個月時間.

Feeling like, Train了 1年,但finally 連 Semi-Final 都入唔到.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Brain stucked. Write something here to relax relax.
Attend My 表哥's wedding dinner last thursday.
Again, really touching. His wife is beautiful too.

Swimming Team Alumni gethering last Saturday night. As what Mrs. Ngai said, this really refresh my mind.
Long time no see other teammates. Really Great. ^^
Took many photos and already upload here.

This Wednesday APC Oral.
After reading what Fung sent to me '' This exam is just a means for the assessor to pass you, not to fail you. The more they ask, the more chanse they are giving you actually. ''
After reading this. Feel better. As I always think the assessor are killers. Pass or just by luck. Just like the written.

Lack of comparables. I keep on doing analysis and resarch to support my argument to be presented , from developmenets along Kennedy Town, Mount Davis, Pok Fu Lam down to Residence Bel-Air, yet, the more I find, the more reverse the answer is ...Shit...DID I ADOPTED THE WRONG APROACH? well....anyway, nothing is 100% correct.
Lets see how I could 自圓其說 on Wednesday. =P

Special thx to ada and kenny support also.

May the luck be always with me.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Have a very nice dinner in Mr. Steak @ Shatin last night with papa.
Thx very much for treating me. So sad that we forgot to take any photo -__-''
Its the first time I try this restaurant. I think the quality is already very ok though you said its not as good as before.
Haha..treat you ? no problem la. I will treat you back if I got passed for sure ...

To you:
Do u think it is really alright?

One week to go.
I need to trace back the newscut, the practice notes, the LI, the past oral question and modify my powerpoint.
Suddenly felt nervous as times seems not enough for me to do all this.