Beautiful Life

Thursday, December 29, 2005

ESG post-xmas and New Year Gathering

After nearly whole day site visit in Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong and Sun Po Kong, I then join the annual ESG meeting with 2003,2004,2005 batch ESG tonight.

After eating and eating. and a brief introduction of everyone.. we finally came to our exciting lucky draw! As usual, the one got the present need to pick a present and a name for next person.
WIth the special preparation of our dearest Ken and Tom, I finally got a lovely Rubbish Bin brought in LOg-on! ThX! I'm lovin it~

Anyway, 我今晚真的笑到嘔 upload very soon~

Just recived TWW's message:
ToWaiWah: New Year Winter Swimming Championships
Meet at Central Bus StationTime: 0900
may go Ching's home for wedding video in the afternoon

Sunday schedule : Pui O (camp!) 0400 --> Repluse Bay (Winter Swim!)0900--> Quarry Bay (BRE gathering) 1700

THx GOd~ the weather on 1/1 is 17-20C , 部分時間有陽光亦有煙霞~GREAT!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Mrs. Au Wedding

Instead going for the RE christmas gethering, I choose to go for Ms. Au ( my history teacher in F.6-7) Wedding first even I was not directly invited by her.

I havnt seen her since F.7. I believed that she can't recognized even we met on the street :P. Anyway, it is a moment full of joy. This is the first time a witness the wedding in the Church . It is .sooooooooo GREAT!
They are blessed by Father's , sister and brothers and everyone else in the Church. They are 2 become one now! May God bless them Happy together FOREVER!!!

Sentence in my mind now:
As quoted from Ms Au :幸福唔係必然.我倆是完全不同性格的人,一lup一 tut,中間的空間是由其他人的blessing, 我倆先會結婚. 

For the Tsunami last year today 26/12/2005: 珍惜眼前人.

P.S Sorry to my RE classmate, please leave a present for me ar~!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Witness my 三姑姐batizism this afternoon. She cried as she was so happy to see us witness this unforgettable moment with her even his son was not there for some reason.

Amongst the 姑姐s, she should be the most dependent one. Her lifes changes alot esp when my grandpa and her husband passed away years ago. I knew she should be completely breakdown, as even I can felt the pain in every Tsing Ming Festival.

With her trust in God, seems her tense become eased. She is no longer alone now. I can share her happiness after she become part of the God's family.

Last but not the least, my another 姑姐 ask me ' When will be yours (batizism)?' I can't reply.

Get connected to my mentor again!!


Great to hear from you and it sounds as if you are getting some good experience at the Lands Department. As you rightly say we do need to rethink some of our administrative and empowerment procedures to ensure that it is not possible for developers to manipulate the system and I genuinely believe that the Government lease must be the ultimate control document and that you cannot leave important matters which allow developers additional GFA to the discretion of others.

It would be nice to catch up in the New Year. Give Maria a ring and fix to come in to the office for a chat.

Meanwhile a very Happy Christmas and successful 2006 as it is your APC year.

Best wishes,

Nicholas Brooke
Professional Property Services Group

Friday, December 23, 2005

Interim Report !! K.O

Finally submitted the interim report this afternoon.
Gotta celebrate! together with the Christmas!!
I finally feel the Christmas today!!!

Soo many things want to many things need to buy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New office, new supervisor.

Super exhausted this morning. Because Carrie (the other ESG) and I were urgently assigned to update 18 comparables developments for valuation (about 40 units each) of the residential development above the Nam Cheong KCR station.
We received this task on 1230 yesterday but the deadline is by 530. Surely we cant finish as the PC room for comps will be closed at 530 sharp. Not until this afternoon, at about 3. WE finally finshed updating, without having lunch.

My new supervisor, Xenia is famous for her abilty, her attitude and her ''tone'' of commenting others (esp. towards ESG) . Luckily she is more nice now when compared then 2 years before, at least, I never heard of someone cried after blamed/insulted by her this year.

While self-recommend to follow this 'famous' supervisor, I already expected this kind of task will come. Yet, she should be the best that I can learn from.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


昨日與朋友們到中山兩日一夜,住中山星晨花園,arrived there at about 6pm. 到小肥羊食晚餐,位位$40.
經過今回返大陸,我諗都係時候換回鄉卡,otherwise 會再比人...-__- 難怪既,畢竟係9年前影的相.....

Milton Lau is my most respected tutor in the university.



Saturday, December 17, 2005

1st day in Valuation

The situation here (physically) is far away from my expectation.
I really need some mentally support.
Or..maybe I just think too much!?

God, please help me to overcome that......

Friday, December 16, 2005

Last day in DLO/HKE

15/12/2005 1045pm 真的要走了~

9 months passed, what have I learnt? seems not much. If I have a wish, I wish to have 9 months here again! All the supervisors and Estate Officer here are so nice to me~ 好唔捨得佢地~!

I will be posted Valuation Section at North Point Goverment Office tomorrow until my contact ends (Sept 2006) together with 12 others ESG. SEems a big family~he?
However, not enough seat. One of us need to seat in front of a supervisor..which is actualy part of the corridor.... poor us...-_-''

mm...long time no sleep well. Sleep now. Finally have time to do exercise tomorrow....

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Anti-WTO 遊行正在樓下進行中.好嘈...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


南韓示威者與警方推撞12月 13日 星期二 16:45 更新




Farewell Lunch

Since our District Lands Officer (First on the right, front roll) need to attend the final hearing (probably the last one, he hope!) of the Sai Wan Ho Case this afternoon, we therefore ate the farewell lunch yesterday at 生記飯店, and here are the photo we took.The one standing behind me is my supervisor(Estate Surveyor/North Point), the one who need to pay about 300k for tax!!!! ha.

From the left : Kanis (ES/Happy Valley), Grace (ES/CW), Christine (ES/SKW), Clearance (SES/HK1), Gary Cheung (DLO/HK).
At the back: Jeremy (ES/NP), Denis (SES/HK2), Tommy (ES/Wanchai), Jacky (ES/Special Duties)

WTO 開幕的一天

終於去了一直想去的利景酒店買早餐,三文魚三文治+ 蒸溜coffee-->$18!

Monday, December 12, 2005


Hope everything is smooth.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

THE INTERVIEW WITH GOD (copied from a friend's xanga)

I dreamed I had an interview with God. "So you would like to interview me?" God asked."If you have the time?" I said. God smiled. "My time is eternity. What questions do you have in mind for me?"
"What surprises you most about humankind?"
God answered...
"That they get bored with childhood,they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again."
"That they lose their health to make money...and then lose their money to restore their health."
"That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present,
such that they live in neither the present nor the future."
"That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived."
God's hand took mineand we were silent for a while.And then I asked..."As a parent, what are some of life's lessons you want your children to learn?"
"To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved."
"To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others."
"To learn to forgiveby practicing forgiveness."
"To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them.""To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most,but is one who needs the least."
"To learn that there are people who love them dearly, but simply have not yet learned how to express or show their feelings."
"To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently."
"To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves."
"Thank you for your time," I said humbly. "Is there anything else you would like your children to know?"God smiled and said, "Just know that I am here... Always."

-author unknown

Saturday, December 10, 2005

下午430, 泳池total 有5個人(including us),友人沒怎麼stretching 就跳下水,然後到我.
一下水,百般滋味在心頭,馬上不顧一切怒游150m先可以settle 下來.  
再游多大約600,友人說,涷到頭痛 , 要上水
可能女性脂肪比例多,我仲可以堅持多 游了25mins.


X'mas 2005 Present List : 1) Time
2) Running Shoes
3) Boot

Friday, December 09, 2005

Ways to Die earlier?

How many have you fullfilled?

DLC this morning

DLC this morning. Just 2 cases. Again is DLO/ S & W (not my district actually), but as a ESG, I will grasp every chanse to hear.

Both the cases are related to Royal Yacht Club. First, is the renewal of recreational lease at Middle Island. Second, is the proposed Short Term Tenancy (STT) for boat storage somewhere adajcent to the lot.

The lease is going to expire on 24.5.2006 and the RHKYC therefore apply for an renwal for extra 21 years. Its a straight forward case, despite some disussion over the old and new version of the lease and the maintenance of the rock behind the club house.

The second one is the proposed STT near the club. It is currenly Seabed .(which is defined as 'Land' also in the view of Cap 127). RHKYC asked for a piece of land for boat storage in 1990. Reclamation is proposed since 1995. However, Permanent land granted is not supported. STT is resulted. (problem: Reclamation in STT nature? will that be reform back to seabed once the STT is expired? probably wont.. but LACO reinstated : ''Please dont expected it is a Permanent land grant, its just a STT''...funny case, last 15 years already.)

SO..thats last DLC I attend here in DLO/HK. I shall move to HQ/V next week.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Perhaps Love

Must watch this!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Take That is BAck!

Isn't it true? IS Take That going to re-u ? Just noted from Irene that TAKE THAT is going to RE-U and will hold 16 concerts in UK in April and May 2006 !!! Everywhere in England is Playing their Songs AGAIN!!!!!!

But the ticket is sold out within 2 days!! and is bidding in E-BAy!! Crazy....Really WANT to Watch THAT!!!!!! . V_V . WIsh Irene will success in bidding!!

If so sure that they will hold concert in 2006, then what's yahoo talking about ???

First time heard about this Band in F.2, and was addicted to them since then.Even now.Esp . RW and Mark Owen.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Optical illusion

Quite Interesting!! I longed for this kind of exibition. I think I will go and have a look~!!
Will you?