Beautiful Life

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Before going to watch 'All about love ' , I have a chat with CAndy, expressing my feeling on what happening on me these months, and ask for some opinion. She also shared hers to me. Seems Wing treat her not very good, but as long as 'Something' goes along in their relationship, thats not big deal.

We then watch the movie. Really touching. I did cry. Recommended. Here is a little story quoted by andy lau in the movie:
「從前, 有一對老夫老妻, 個公公呢就成日大步大步咁向前行, 個婆婆呢就成日急步急步咁係後面追。個婆婆就成日都唔明, 點解個公公要咁急, 伹係個公公又唔明, 點解個婆婆要咁慢...雖然係咁, 但係佢地始終都冇放棄去等同去追, 因為, 佢地都非常之愛對方...」

Then have a drink until 2.

Friday, October 28, 2005


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Leave At 6 today, at first planned to MK to shop around, but at last attracted by the Basket Competition in Southern Playground ,where just under my office. First time I stand there for about 40 mins to watch a competition since March. It is something like Inter-School competition. Victoria Government School is one of the team. Then I suddenly meet Ivan, he said ''你好hea~~ wor'' before saying goodbye..o..yes...but i enjoy very much at that moment...sometime really need to ''hea'' inorder to walk for a further distance....

Then shop around in Wanchai, brought something for myself~~ happy~!!

Suddenly recalled that one of my boss should post to other office soon as he already worked here for about 3 years. Have a nice chat with him this afternoon. About a site next to 'The legend' 名門 in Tai Hang (NOT Jardine's Outlook!!!) and the background between 名門 and TIGER BALM Garden. Learn something.
Though he is not my supervisor, he teaches me the most. He is so young ,energetic and fast.
Knowing he will leave soon, the Est. O wish to K.O the recent job asap before the next ES come to replace, as he is the one who is most familer with Wanchai now....haha...I will also K.O mine asap.

Watch 60 mins tonight. 3 storys. 1 is about MJ. Talking about his life and feeling toward the present NBA Stars. The other one is about a 10 yr-old boy, is Blind/ Mentaly disable but also a genius pianolist. Seems there is a secret relationship between blind, mental disable and Music. Interesting.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

VEry Boring ar..

Under Great Pressure in past few days arrrrrrrrrrr..........
vERy Boring ar.....long time no music money......shit.
gOtta Crazy.............soon.........Cant stay that anymore....
Finally can Have a Nice sleep Tonight!~~~

Tonights Feeling : My brain still not Fast Enough`~~~!!!! need faster faster..faster!!!
Papa now join a kind of Sport call ..門球.... for me,the rules of games .is a little bit stupid....

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Heard that 11th BRESS Acedemic Sec's Father have liver problem. Urgently need a liver replacement before November, before it is too late.
Hope mine is suitable for donation.

Even keep reading reference these days day and night, I still cant what I want and therefore no idea for the coming study group. shit..tomoorw is the date..

The progress of the whole day is slow. Morning site visit in Park Lane hotel. I then spend my whole afternoon keep reading reference. Yet, due to the conversation in the evening, cant concentrate. After work, border by a Insurance Agent, saying something like'' I am not promoting but just want to ask you a few question......'' everyone know what happend next...At the moment, I really want to $Y#%^#YTER@ her.....

Ask a friend for opinion,she discribe the situation is like 一條鯨魚在玩弄海獅 ( funny)....and the conclusion is 鯨魚is self-centreed. And he didnt concern 海獅's feeling. The first moment I felt is similar. He just want himself feel better off.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

My brother discovered that the whole tooth of our rabbit is broken!!!! he alright? Can he eat? little worry even it is not the first time......

Watch the Inter-University Swimming Competition this afternoon in City U. Mrs. Ngai was staying so calm during the compeition. Full of joy and without worriness until the end. Probably due to both the quantity and the quality (swimming background) she recuit for the team. The Overall Champion is probably expected. They got champions in 3 out of 4 in the 4*50 men's/women's - medley/ freestyle. The story is almost perfect despite the last event, the 4*50 Men's Freestyle.

PolyU was ranking the 4th on the first 150m, but finally got the first in the last 25-30m. Everyone screamed and cheered for them. Yet, a shocking news came 10 mins later. PolyU team was DQ because one of the teamate jump back to the pool to celebrate before all other teams are finished.

Though it wont affect the overall ranking much, everyone learnt a lesson.

So many works that I cant leave the office on time yesterday even on Saturday. Finally, I left at about 430. Yet, still one of my boss, and a Senior Estate officer is still working when I left. Are they get used to this every saturday? Remember, it is saturday and we are working in Lands Department of HKSAR. They are a Civil Servant employed by HSAR. I think its hard to let others to believe that there are still Civil Servant working that hard. Yet, of coz, there are some arrive at 930 and leave at 5am sharp during the weekdays.

After work, I met Candy,Wing and bowie at kowloon Tong and drove to Kowloon City to buy crab. about $40 each, midium size. We brought 6 total. Have discount. Before dinner in Candy's home in Fanling, we go to WELCOME supermarket, where I found what we brought was even larger then those LARGEST in WELCOME's refri.. It costs $100 each there.

Although the ''appearance'' of the dishes we cooked is not good at tall, its still eatable. What I tresured the most last night is not the Crab or what we cook/eat, but the moment we sat and chat together. I cant remember the time when my whole family really sat to have dinner together . Probably is due to the TV. They prefered eating on the sofa seperately. I start realize that it is a problem.

During the night, I also find love between Candy and Wing. Even their background is so much different...

Saturday, October 22, 2005


According to the passage, everything ( 事業,財運,感情,是非,健康....)都是一般


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


要好好利用餘下的348 日

Waiver x 2 ;
CC x 2 ;
Lease Modi x 3;
No objection Letter x 3;
STT x 2;

...........+ many many reference materials, books, Ordinances........

Addicted to sleep.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

o...最後 HKIS Dragon need 1hr44mins to finish the the 18 K dragon boat marthon.
nearly 腰斷....

Tonight, really solve some of the underlying problem of the team . But seems still many are left idle...isn't it...
eg. 溶入

女 性 結 婚 後 易 變 肥 婆 16/10/2005

同 居 女 友 易 變 肥 婆 研 究 證 明 : 男 人 危 害 女 性 曲 線 ! 英 國 一 名 專 研 癡 肥 的 專 家 , 分 析 了 為 何 女 性 一 旦 跟 男 友 同 居 或 結 婚 , 多 半 會 發 福 起 來 , 發 現 罪 魁 正 是 男 人 。
飲 食 習 慣 漸 似 男 友哈 斯 拉 姆 醫 生 在 醫 學 雜 誌 《 刺 血 針 》 發 表 報 告 指 出 , 女 性 一 旦 與 男 性 同 住 , 飲 食 習 慣 多 半 會 變 得 接 近 男 方 。 兩 口 子 一 起 用 餐 的 次 數 多 了 , 買 菜 的 話 不 再 是 主 要 買 蔬 果 , 而 且 可 能 多 了 上 餐 廳 , 女 方 容 易 把 胃 撐 開 了 , 變 成 吃 較 大 份 量 和 脂 肪 含 量 較 高 的 食 物 。 為 了 享 受 二 人 世 界 , 女 士 也 可 能 少 了 上 健 身 室 做 運 動 。 如 果 服 用 避 孕 丸 , 更 有 可 能 在 最 初 三 個 月 增 加 四 磅 之 多 ; 不 服 的 話 也 不 妙 , 多 次 懷 疑 亦 令 女 性 容 易 增 磅 。 「 由 獨 居 變 同 居 令 飲 食 改 變 , 對 女 性 影 響 較 大 。 」 哈 斯 拉 姆 打 趣 說 : 「 男 人 對 女 人 真 的 十 分 無 益 。 」 英 國 《 獨 立 報 》 / 英 國 廣 播 公 司

Saturday, October 15, 2005

明天18kdragon boat, 理想的話會2個鍾完成, 爬玩隻手唔知仲會唔會有知覺......ha!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


早上去拜山, 同姨媽, 表哥, 表姐們一眾8 人上Chai wan..

正在寫interim report, 要conclude 我這一年來在Lands dept 的 training 同 experience...
有點似寫 final year project 的感覺....... =_=

悶悶地睇其他人的blog的同時,發現 club ing 早兩日摺了,雖然n年無去過,但始終係我第一次去pub的所在,有點可惜,懷念個舞池.從始,愛浦人仕就少了一個浦點了..  

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Swim with the team last night( in the outter link, of course). Is somehow a v.small ex-team gethering invited by TWW .

Luckily , I still can get into the pool with my expired AC card.
The swimming team recuited more then enough people this time. At least much more then the years I swam. The competition is keen. Not external, but internal. If not fast enough? You are OUT, means no entry.
I remember I wish to bring this system into rowing team before so as to boost up the quality. Yet, because of the different nature, seems it cant work.

Long time no swim, I nearly swim about 1500 in total, including 700 with Fin . Exhausted.
Now , without the leading of Mrs. Ngai, the spirit seems no longer that high...!? Again, I can see they are divided into groups. There are always a few keep on silence, being islotated and would probably never get an entry (not to say a medal!!) no matter how hard they swim. And I remember this is the main reason why I play rowing team in yr 2 .

That means, on one hand I left because of this, but on the other hand, I wish to introduce this. That's me, always doing something contradicting myself. Or put it on the other way, I am just changing in accordance with my position as time goes by.

We are always changing...

我只是所有事要一個好肯定的答案, 我會一直的問, 直到自己清楚, 但絕不是有心去bother 人的什麼.
朋友 和 敵人 只是 一線之差...

Friday, October 07, 2005


月亮星座是 金牛座的女性...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I finally know how cancel the Auto-launch function.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Next year

APC today.
All the best for the ESGs. SUPASS!!!(so that they wont be my competitors next yr!!)
They should be anwering the second to third Qns now.
I will take the same next yr.
So 1 year have gone. Not to say what I have learn, better confessed that there are so many I don't know yet.
Gotta read read read....

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Land Auction Effect




Is our dearest Prof . Eddie Hui Again!
The property market is booming again. Just like before 1997. Is the Peak of Property cycle is coming?

Regatta 4

Good to see the women 8+ got a trophy in this regatta, all the coaches can see this is the 'hope' for next year.
Yet, I felt pity after hearing a call from R. That would cause a great defect to the 8+. I hope she will think twice before making any decision. I really want her to stay .

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The magic of thinking big

Ha! That is my Next Target.

And this is one I am reading apart form those related to surveying.
Lets see why that was so popular in Taiwan....

I just found that I am not eligible to take the Common Recuitment Test.

Have a drink last night. Some were drunk.
Some shared their feeling. Touching. I believe what they said is the thoughts of most aged 22-30 ppl too, including me. All related to MONEY.

But of course, this problem cant be solved at once. The days will be become more difficult if u keep thinking that.